Tygri chram a markety v ThajskuTiger temple and floating market in Thailand
Po dlouhe ceste jsme se dostali az do Bankoku. Mimo jedne zastavky na hranici, kde se z Kambodze do Thajska prevazi kontejnery se starym zelezem a na druhou stranu prevazi prasata naskladana v klecich jako kosticky v tetrisu, tak byla cesta bez vetsich zazitku.
Nicmene rozdil mezi obema zememi je vetsi nez by se zdalo. Bankok je metropole normalne usporadana narozdil od Phnom Penhu:] Na druhou stranu, na to ze tu mistni ziji z turistu – a ne ze ne – tak jejich anglictina je desiva. To uz v Kambodzi s nima byla normalnejsi rec.
Vcera jsem si udelal sam vylet na ricni trh s plovoucimi lodickami a babickami s bilym pudrem na obliceji a pak jsem se zastavil u reky Kwai, podivat se na mistni most, o kterem natocili ten velky film. Most je to zelezny na betonovych pilirich a to je tak asi vse:)
Posledni zastavka vyletu byla v tygrim chramu. Tesil jsem se, to opravdu ano, ale ti zfetovani tygri…Bylo mi jich asi spise lito nez abych citil radost, ze jsem se s nimi mohl vyfotit, pohladit a oni mne nekousli. K tomu tam byli dva mnisi, spoustu obchodu kolem a v celku to byla takova zoo s tygry, tlustym medvedem, spoustou divocaku, srn a krav.
Tolik dnesni zazitky z cest a ted uz jen klidny odpocinek a priprava na navrat domu.

nove foto zdeAfter long journey we arrived to Bangkok. Apart from one stop on the boarder, where large containers with scrap-iron have been transported from Cambodia into Thailand and in the other direction cages overloaded with pigs like tetris cubes, the journey was without a major experience.
Nevertheless the difference between these two countries is bigger than it seems. Bangkok is an organized city compared to Phnom Penh 🙂 On the other hand – Thai people depend on the tourist – but their English is miserable. It was much easier in Cambodia.
Yesterday i made a trip to local floating market full with boats and grandmas, later on i stopped at Kwai river to see the famous bridge that this big movie was about. The bridge is from iron with concrete pillars and that would be all 🙂
The last stop was in the Tiger Temple. I was looking forward, i really was, but those drugged tigers…more likely I felt sorry for them than the joy of taking pictures with them, petting them without being bitten. There have been also two monks, heeps of souvenir shops all over the place. It was basically a ZOO with tigers, one fat bear, lots of boars, deers and cows.
That`s it with today`s road trip experiences and now just a relax and preparations for the journey back home…

p>photos are here