Svatba s procházkou v Královskych zahradáchWedding with a walk in Castle gardens
Svatba s procházkou v Královskych zahradách
Asi vsichni jsme si jiz zvykli na skoro letni pocasi, ktere zazivame v poslednim jarnim obdobi. A kteri novomanzele by presne takove pocasi nechteli mit ve svuj Velky den?
Slunicko, ktere rozzari tvare a ktere nas dostava do prijemne pohody. Tak presne takove podminky jsme meli v krasny den s kouzelnym datem 4.4.2014, kdy se rozhodli spojit sve zivoty Galina a Vladimir.
Kdyz mi nevesta poprve rekla svoji predstavu a prozradila mi, ze jiz neni uplna “mladice”, byt jsem stasten, ze se mi potvrdilo, ze laska kvete opravdu v kazdem veku a nic pro ni neni nemozne.
Nase svatebni fotografovani bylo uzasne nejen kvuli pocasi a prostredi, ale predevsim kvuli tomu stesti, ktere salalo z oci obou novomanzelu, a radost, tak chytlava, zpusobila, ze v Kralovskych zahradach bylo snad jeste krasneji nez jindy. Vladimir je vasnivym milovnikem historie, zejmena te hradni, a rad se s nami podelil o spoustu zajimavych informaci. Ted uz vim nejen to, kdo postavil letohradek a v jakem stylu, ale i par zajimavosti o mistni kasne 🙂
Galino, Vladimire, preji Vam hodne lasky, vzajemneho stesti, optimizmu a radosti, ktera z Vas tak cisila v ten slunecni patecni den!

We all kind of got used to the spring-summerly weather we are experiencing these days. And which wife-and-husband-to-be would want this weather during their Big day?
Sun that makes our faces glow and the warmth that makes us feel relaxed. So exactly these were the ??? we had during the beautiful day with the magic date 4.4.2014. Galina and Vladimir decided to unite their fate. When the bride-to-be called me one day and told me she is not the youngest bride I ever had, I was happy. Not only for her, but also to have another proof, that love really blooms in every age and nothing is impossible for her.
Our shooting was great not only due to the weather and location. The happiness streaming from the faces of our newlyweds and the joy so catchy, made me run around them in the castle garden and soak the atmosphere. Vladimir is highly keen of history, especially the one of the Prague Castle and he shared a lot of information with us. Now I know facts such as who built the Letohradek and which architectural style it was built in and many more 🙂
Galina, Vladimir, I wish you lots of luck, happiness, optimism and joy such as I have seen on your faces that lovely Friday afternoon!